Sarah L. Sanderson is a writer, speaker, and teacher who believes in the life-giving freedom found in radical honesty. Her work has appeared at PBS NewsHour, Blackpast, Christianity Today, Fathom, The Unmooring, Christ and Pop Culture, The Other Journal, Motherly, Relief, Stark and Main, and Brain, Child, among others. She is also a monthly contributor to Three-Fifths.
She studied English and Philosophy at Wheaton College, and holds a Master in Teaching degree from Seattle University and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction from Seattle Pacific University. As a creative writing teacher, she has worked with every age, from preschool through adults. Her first book, The Place We Make: Breaking the Legacy of Legalized Hate, releases August 15, 2023 from WaterBrook.
Find her on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, or stay in touch via her somewhat irregular email newsletter.